May Issue is online!

Dear Family Worship Magazine Community,

I am delighted to announce that the May 2024 issue of Family Worship Magazine is now available! This month, we continue our journey through the Bible with our structured reading plan, covering Judges 10 to 2 Samuel 2.

In this issue, you will explore the tumultuous period of Israel's history from the latter judges through the rise of the monarchy. As we reflect on the leadership transitions from Eli to Samuel and Saul to David, we see God's sovereign hand preparing His people for a king after His own heart.

Each day's reading is accompanied by thoughtful devotional, designed to enrich your personal or family worship time. I trust that these insights will inspire you as you seek to find Christ in the Scriptures and grow in grace together.

I encourage you to dive into the pages of this month's issue and let the stories of faith, courage, and divine providence guide your study and discussions. May this exploration deepen your understanding and strengthen your faith as you walk through the history and wisdom preserved for us in God's Word.

Thank you for joining us on this transformative journey through the Bible. Your companionship in this spiritual pursuit is invaluable.

In His Grace,

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom..." - Colossians 3:16

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