06 Family Worship Guide:

Book of Mark, Day Six, Lesson Six

Dear Family Worship Magazine Community,

These guides are designed to help you lead your family in daily worship. Each lesson is brief, lasting only 15-25 minutes. If you'd like to extend the worship time, consider adding additional hymns or reviewing the Shorter Catechism. You'll find the first lesson included below.

Family Worship Guide: Book of Mark, Day Six, Lesson Six

Opening Prayer:

"Heavenly Father, we come before You with hearts open to receive Your Word. Thank You for the example of Your Son, Jesus, who shows us how to live, love, and serve. As we study today, help us to understand more of who You are and what You call us to be. Guide our thoughts and stir our hearts to respond in faith and obedience. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen."

Scripture Reading: Mark 1:35-39 (ESV)

And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed. And Simon and those who were with him searched for him, and they found him and said to him, “Everyone is looking for you.” And he said to them, “Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also, for that is why I came out.” And he went throughout all Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and casting out demons.

Reflection and Teaching:

In this passage, we see Jesus seeking time alone with His Father in prayer, even after a busy day of healing and ministering to many people. Despite His demanding ministry, Jesus prioritized communion with God, rising early and going to a quiet place to pray. This reveals the source of His strength and the importance of staying connected with the Father.

When Simon and the others found Jesus, they were eager for Him to return to the crowd. But Jesus had a clear sense of His mission. He knew that His primary purpose was to preach the good news of the kingdom of God, not just to meet immediate physical needs. Jesus refused to be swayed by the demands of the crowds, choosing instead to move on to other towns where the gospel had not yet been preached.

This passage teaches us about the balance between action and prayer, and the importance of staying focused on God’s purpose. Jesus models for us a life deeply rooted in prayer, even amid the busyness of ministry. His commitment to preaching and teaching shows that while miracles are important, the proclamation of the gospel is the heart of His mission.

Discussion Questions:

For Younger Children (Ages 10-13):

  1. Why did Jesus get up early in the morning to pray? What does this teach us about the importance of prayer?

  2. How did Jesus respond when His disciples said that everyone was looking for Him? Why didn’t He go back to the crowd?

  3. What do you think Jesus’ main mission was, according to this passage? How can we help share this message with others?

For Older Children (Ages 14-18):

  1. Jesus sought time alone to pray despite being busy with ministry. What does this tell us about His priorities, and how can this influence our daily routines?

  2. Why do you think Jesus emphasized preaching in the next towns rather than staying where He was popular? What does this teach us about staying focused on God’s calling rather than seeking people’s approval?

  3. Reflect on your own prayer life. How can you make time for prayer, even when life feels busy? What steps can you take to ensure that prayer is a priority in your relationship with God?


  • For All Ages: As a family, make a plan to set aside time for prayer each day. It doesn’t have to be long, but it should be intentional. Encourage each other to seek God first, even when life feels overwhelming or busy.

  • For Older Children: This week, try to find a quiet place where you can spend a few moments in prayer and reflection, just as Jesus did. Focus on listening to God and seeking His guidance for your life. Write down anything you feel God is speaking to your heart.

Closing Prayer:

"Lord Jesus, thank You for showing us the importance of prayer and staying connected to the Father. Help us to follow Your example, seeking quiet moments to be with You and to hear Your voice. Keep us focused on Your mission and not distracted by the pressures of the world around us. Give us strength and wisdom as we strive to live faithfully for You. In Your precious name, Amen."

Hymn or Song:

Conclude with a hymn or song that emphasizes prayer and seeking God, such as “Sweet Hour of Prayer” or “I Need Thee Every Hour.”

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